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Image by frank mckenna

Frequently Asked Questions

You might have general or specific inquiries about seeking mental health or emotional support.


Here are some of the most commonly asked questions.


How can I initiate the process?

You can complete the contact form here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation and view our availability from


You can also initiate the process by emailing us at


Whether you have a clear idea of the assistance you seek or need guidance in determining the best solution, we're here to help. We'll provide you with all the necessary information. During the consultation, we'll discuss your needs, explore how we can support you, explain the benefits and risks of therapy, and assess if we are the right fit for you.


If not, we will make efforts to refer you to a healthcare provider or mental health professional better suited to help you.


Do you have availability? When?

Yes, we are accepting new clients currently. We have availability on weekdays as well as very limited availability on weekends.


Feel free to check our calendar for availability or reach out to us for a 15-min free consultation to discuss further your needs and schedule.


Are your services confidential?

Yes. We take your privacy and confidentiality seriously, recognizing that seeking help involves sharing personal and private matters. The effectiveness of therapy relies on creating safety and it is our priority.


We are legally bound to maintain confidentiality for all clients and will not disclose your information to anyone including other HCPs without your consent.


In certain cases, we may have a legal obligation to disclose specific information to ensure your safety, please see our policies for details.  Feel free to let us know if you have any questions about privacy and confidentiality. 


How long are the sessions?

Individual sessions typically last for 50 minutes (except the intake session), scheduled weekly or biweekly based on your preferences and needs.  Depending on your needs and goals, we can discuss meeting more or less frequently.


How many sessions will I need?

Predicting the number of sessions needed varies from person to person, depending on the circumstances. 


What are your fees?

Details about our fees for individual sessions can be found on our fees page


Please note that psychotherapist and social worker sessions are not covered under the O.H.I.P plan currently.


Review your benefits package with your private insurance plan to ensure coverage details with your extended insurance plan. We provide an receipt for each session upon payment which you can use for reimbursement.


Please note that we do not offer direct billing at this time. 


In what languages do you offer services?

Currently, we provide services in English and Turkish.


Is virtual/video therapy effective?

Online therapy, particularly video sessions, has gained prominence, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research indicates its effectiveness is comparable to traditional in-person therapy, offering added accessibility, time efficiency, and financial advantages. While we primarily provide video therapy, we can also offer services via phone in case of temporary Wi-Fi or device accessibility issues. Please let us know if you have a preference.


What technical equipment do I need for online therapy?

To access our video therapy sessions, you'll need an internet-connected electronic device with a microphone and video camera (e.g., computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone). Headphones are optional but may be preferred. Ensure access to a private space for confidential conversations. While online therapy is user-friendly, some basic internet and device skills are beneficial, details we can discuss during your free 15-minute consultation to ensure you're well-prepared for sessions.


Do you have more questions?

We recognize that these frequently asked questions may not cover everything.


Feel free to email us at


If typing isn't preferred or you have further questions, consider booking a 15-minute free consultation, where we can address your queries in real-time.

Contact us

We provide a free 15-minute consultation to connect and determine for yourself whether we are a good fit. It will also give us a better idea of the types of issues you are looking for support with and how can we support you.


Are you ready to establish our healing connection? Take the first step.



You can also reach out to us from the form below.

Thanks for submitting!

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